Emulator PS3



 [How to Use Emulator PS3]
  1. First you need to download and install PSeMu3.
  2. When you first open the emulator you will be asked for the bios, you need to click on 'yes' and you will be redirected to the bios installer download.
  3. When installing the bios make sure its being installed in the exact same location as the emulator(or PSeMu3 wont detect it.)
  4. After installing the bios you can close the emulator and reopen it. Now you wont have any error message and the emulator should run fine.
  5. The emulator can ask you to activate it
  6. Now you can run a game by going to file>load from.. and pick the blue-ray or disk image and simple navigate to the game.
  7. Done!
Q :Help wht i get this error! "Application Error" The application failed to initialize properly (0xc0000135) Click on OK to terminate the application"

A: get this error because you don't have Microsoft .NET Framework installed, download it here: Net Framework  install this and the emulator should work fine now!


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